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Dermatopics products like Moisturizers are intended to hydrate the skin. Another related topic of interest. They also increase the water content of the skin, giving it a smooth appearance. They also provide a barrier against the loss of water from the skin. Moisturizers contain special ingredients that help to replace the oils contained in the skin or to protect against the loss of moisture from the skin. The safety of Moisturizers is established by selection of ingredients that are safe and suitable for this purpose. Cleansers are products that are intended to clean the skin by removing dirt, oil, makeup, and dead skin cells. They contain special ingredients that help to unclog pores and to prevent skin conditions such as acne. They may also contain moisturizers to prevent the skin from drying out. Cleansers leave the skin feeling clean and fresh. The safety of Cleansers is established by selection of ingredients that are safe and suitable for this purpose. In addition, Cleansers are assessed for their potential to cause skin irritation or cause allergic reactions.